Saturday, May 26, 2012

Super Dad

I know Robert's a good dad, but it was infinitely evident as he was about to walk out the door with his bags the Thursday before last, and my mom was waiting at her car to take him to the airport.  Instead of just heading out, he stopped, turned around and went to the pack n' play for a final kiss and hug from Colby.  So sweet!

I've always known and appreciated how much Robert does for me, and now us, but as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.  And now that he's been gone for several days, I appreciate him even more.  Things I've noticed:
If Robert isn't here to make dinner, I tend not to eat it.
Dishes don't get washed as easily.  Especially bottles.
My covers on the side of the bed aren't turned down for me at night when I go to bed.
Noises in the evening startle me a little bit more.
Colby seems to not sleep as well through the night either.
Errands that need to be run during the week do not get run - like grocery shopping.
And when it's just Colby and me, and a 5 day work week, I get TIRED!

On top of all of the things he does for us, he still has enough generosity left to consider spending a week at his grandfather's house rebuilding his roof, cleaning up the yard, raking the leaves on over an acre of land, fixing a four-wheeler and heaven knows what else

When Robert did come home last Thursday, we both thought Colby would be so happy and smiley to see him.  However, the opposite happened!  As soon Robert held Colby, he started crying and screaming and didn't settle down until a half hour after his usual bedtime.  I think he was just overcome emotionally, and those were tears of joy...

Thanks Robert, for everything you do for us!  I'm so glad you're home! 

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