Sunday, November 18, 2012

Home Improvement

My mom just finished up her master gardener courses a few weeks ago.  She's always been an amazing gardener, and her garden at home always looks beautiful, but she wanted to make it officia - she's (almost) officially a master gardener - she still has to put in a few more hours before it is truly official.  Part of her coursework was a landscaping class - let's be honest, the woman doesn't really NEED a class on landscaping, but it's always good to learn something new...and after that class, she came over and we crafted a plan for MY garden - such as it was. 

We had been living with the plants the builder had put in for over a year, and I was not pleased with how it looked.  I think I would've tried to do something sooner, but last planting season (Oct-Nov in Houston) I was 7 months pregnant, so that wasn't going to happen.  The weekend prior, my mom and I drove around the neighborhood looking at who had planted what where, and what was doing well, and we hashed out a plan for our tiny front yard garden.  Then this Friday, she went to a nursery picked everything up and we planted it!  It was a 3 day thing, as after we had planted everything on Friday, we realized we needed more!  So Saturday I went and picked up a few more things, and she went to another nursery to find more.  Saturday I tried to plant the rest of it, but 10 month old boys just LOVE small bright flowers like pansies, especially when they're just planted and easy to pull up!  So I had to wait for Robert to get home and I finished planting everything this morning!  Here's some before and after shots:


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Big News!

Not sure which is bigger news, but there's this...

And this!