Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I can't believe it's almost been a month since I posted.  So much has happened!  Rather than write a whole lotta nothing, I'll just concentrate on the milestones that Colby has just barrelled through in the past week!

Since the beach, he's been just rocketing through these things: first to get up on his toes, in a plank, then downward dog, then get his knees under him, then rock back and forth to find his balance, then falling forward, then falling forward in a controlled manner repetatively to sort of worm his way around, and finally, yesterday, real, honest-to-goodness crawling!  I was working out to Insanity, I think stretching, when I felt a little hand grab my ankle.  Colby had crawled all the way over to me from his play mat!  For the rest of the workout, Robert had to hold him, because we kept putting him back on the play mat, and he kept crawling back over to me, so I was afraid I'd step on him!  It was AMAZING to watch!  Especially thinking back to where he started, and now looking at what he can do.  He still gets lazy and flops onto his belly, doing the worm thing again.  But he definitely can do the hand-knee-hand-knee progression across the carpet!  He also really likes to crawl up into the coffee table.  Lord knows why - he's going to hit his head hard at some point...Katy's not so pleased with this development, as neither she nor her toys are safe from the curious grabby hands of my 6 month old!

And let's not forget that the day before yesterday he actually pushed himself to a sitting position and stayed there, without falling over!  We had been able to prop him up in a sitting position since visiting Alaska, and he was able to stay that way anywhere from 10 seconds to 10 minutes.  Then we could prop him up to play with his sound and light toy and he could stay there for even longer - this was only a week ago.  Now he can pull/push himself up from a crawling position and sit and grab at things!  So cool!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Colby's First Bites

This is just a quick post to let the world know that Colby has sampled his first "solid" foods.  Robert and I went to the grocery store yesterday and purchased organic sweet potatoes, bananas and avocados.  I baked the sweet potatoes this morning, and Robert blended them.  Then we assembled high chair and put the remainder in ice cube trays to freeze for later. 

Colby's first food is sweet potatoes!  He did so well - within two spoonfuls, he was making faces letting us know he was ready for more! 
More Please!

And since sweet potatoes are burnt orange, we decided Colby's "I spit up on t.u." was only fitting for the occasion!

I spit up on t.u.!