Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A New Chapter

About a month ago, I started following a friend of a friend's blog online here.  It got me thinking...I should start a blog for our family.
Reasons to start a blog:
  1. Documenting our lives: I am not a big scrapbooker - in fact, not a scrapbooker at all; nor do I keep a diary.  A blog would be perfect to capture memories!
  2. Keeping track of everything: life as new parents, life as a working mom and a stay at home dad, trying to start a business from home, and the list goes on.  
  3. Updating friends and family:  Robert's family lives in Alaska, and mine lives in Texas, and California, and we have friends all over the world.  I've posted on Facebook pictures and statuses to keep everyone in the loop, but a blog allows all those non-Facebook subscribers to stay updated in our lives!
The catalyst:
 Robert gave me a Nikon DX 7000 - a professional grade camera - for Mother's Day! It's something we've both wanted ever since I got pregnant, to be able to capture our beautiful son with the best pictures we can take.  Here's our first (look at those beautiful eyes!):

Goals for this blog:
To post many a picture of Colby growing up!
To learn photography and photo-editing, so look for the pictures to get better...
To format this blog to have more character, and be uniquely Cronlund!

More to come - stay posted!  Constructive critique and feedback welcome!

The Cronlund Family


  1. Great blog. I'm not much of a blogger but I like what you are doing here, capturing special moments which you will always have. It also helps people like me who live far away see lots of pictures of him. Keep up the good work and Happy Mother's Day. I wanted to say that to you a few weekends ago. Better late than never right?
