Saturday, August 18, 2012

In the water

Since Colby is now able to sit up by himself, pretty consistently, I decided that this weekend (today) would be the first time to try him out in the "pool."  Since our pediatrician is adamant about keeping Colby away from all of the chlorine and germs in a public pool until he's at least a year old,  we used a blow-up pool that Robert's cousin gave us.  

I was so excited to finally get my baby into the water; I was thinking: he's going to love it, he's going to want to spend hours just splashing around in it, and this is going to be the activity of choice on the weekends.  Wrong.

We filled the pool up with water around 9 am, before the sun got too hot, but the water was COLD.  So when we put Colby in, he immediately started shivering and his skin marbled.  The plastic was so slippery that every time he tried to move, he'd slip and fall backward or forward.  He kept trying to crawl out of the pool while we kept putting him back so I could get some pictures.  

I think the best pictures I got were him naked on the grass.  Ah well, try again in a few weeks.  

But we ARE going to transition him to the tub for least there we can make sure the water is warmer.

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, beautiful pictures and awesome blog! I almost cried at your 'great dad' blog and was quite impressed by Roberts mirrors! Good luck with the business and Etsy! Keep posting photos and blogging! Your pictures are really quite fantastic, great composition and colour! Looks like they were taken by a professional! Miss your stories and humour!! (how do you like that Canadian spelling!! All of those 'u' letters making you sick? ;)
